
  • Intro #
  • What went well #
  • What I can improve on #
  • Lessons for future #
  • Conclusion #

Intro #

First off, I'd like to welcome you to my personal blog page where I'll be posting updates about my ongoing projects and ideas I have for the future. This site is officially my first completed project which I have uploaded to the Internet. Although I have created mini projects in the past, I haven't showcased them anywhere. Part of the reason why is because I didn't have anywhere to show them off, so I decided that I would create a portfolio which would serve a couple purposes:

  1. It would allow me to showcase my work
  2. It would allow recruiters or potential employers to take a look at my completed projects which serve as evidence of my abilities.

So I decided to crack on with it and build my portfolio. I got around to completing 90% of it, but then realised I didn't actually have any projects to put on it. This then lead to me racking my brain for project ideas when I finally settled on making my own blog. I thought that it would be a piece of cake and I wouldn't learn much from it, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Let me share with you my experience of making my personal blog website and my very first published piece of work.

What went well 🎉 #

I generally suck at acknowleding my strengths and giving myself credit where it's due, so I will try my best to give an honest reflection of what I think I did well. To start off with, I actually saw this project through till the end. There have been times in the past where I have lost interest in a project midway through, never to return to it again. The fact that this is the biggest project I have worked on and I did not lose track is a big accomplishment. To be honest, completing this blog website has given me further incentive to study hard and to practice coding as much as I can. Even though this website has many things which I know can be improved on, I am still really pleased with how it's turned out.

I did hit a roadblock at one point when I was struggling to integrate Eleventy into my code. A few weeks back, I saw Kevin Powell had a Youtube video tutorial for making a blog page with Eleventy and Netlify CMS, so I thought I would take a look. However, even though I had cloned his repository from Github and was following along with his tutorial, I was still not managing to get my website to work the same as his. So I ended up giving up (temporarily).

That's when I decided to work from the ground up, building the HTML and CSS for the blog by myself and styling it the way I wanted. Once that was set up, which took me about three days, I returned to the Eleventy tutorial. This time I made sure to Google any issues I was facing and I reminded myself that it is a learning process. Therefore, despite facing issues as you normally do, I stayed committed and managed to eventually get everything up and running. What you have before you is the product of five days of building the structure of my blog, styling it the way I liked, and integrating it with Eleventy and Netlify CMS, so that I can add new articles to my blog effortlessly.

What I can improve on ⚠️ #

I genuinely believe my blog is a successful product overall. However, as with anything, it can be improved. For example, it does not have pagination set up yet. That means that I might at one point end up with twenty or thirty blogs lined up on my 'blogs' page. Of course, I will need to look at the Eleventy docs and other resources to get it set up before I end up with a cluttered 'blogs' page.

Home Page

27/05/22: Although I mention further on that I want my index page blog cards to look how they are displayed on the blogs page, after much consideration, I am content with the way they are currently displayed.

Additionally, after having spent a couple days styling my home page, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't happy with the way the blog cards looked within the 'featured articles' section. I want to present the three (or however many I desire) featured articles in the same way as they are displayed on the 'blogs' page. Therefore, I need to think about the styling changes I want to apply and plan how and when I will make them.

Most importantly, the biggest thing I can improve on is my approach to future projects. After deciding to build this blog, ideally I should have planned every aspect of it carefully. But I didn't, and that definitely set me back in getting this site up and running. I think I was very eager to produce something meaningful and have it published online that I went against my better judgement and skipped the planning stage. This leads me on to the final section of this post.

Lessons for future 💭 #

The main lessons I have taken away from this are:

  1. Plan your project first

Without a doubt, I rushed headlong into this blog, largely due to me underestimating the amount of work that would be required of me. In future, I will be sure to have a mindmap of almost everything that needs to be done, ranging from tasks which require immediate attention to those which are optional, before even touching VSCode.

  1. Take your time

At times, I tried to rush the styling or the Eleventy integration and templating. You cannot do that. Rushing the work leads to sloppy results which costs more time to fix.

  1. Have regular breaks

Maybe because it was my first big project, but I found that I was spending unhealthy amounts of time sat in one spot staring at my laptop screen. It isn't good for the body nor the mind. Therefore, I will try to take breaks during coding sessions at regular intervals so that my body can stretch and move around and my mind can have a break from the stresses (and joys) of coding.

Conclusion 🏁 #

That about sums up my review of my experience building this blog. Overall, it was a positive learning experience which taught me about my own abilities as a developer. However, in some instances, I could have made better decisions, such as planning out the development roadmap for this blog so that the building process could have gone smoother.